Gui,1:Add,Edit,cE8D705 x291 y100 w129 h21 Center ReadOnly hwndClick_Position,Not Set Gui,1:Add,Text,x404 y6 w15 h15 BackgroundTrans gMin_Window Gui,1:Add,Text,x425 y6 w15 h15 BackgroundTrans gGuiClose Gui,1:Add,Text,x5 y5 w25 h25 BackgroundTrans gTag Gui,1:Add,Text,x100 y5 w250 h30 BackgroundTrans gMove_Window Main := New Custom_Window( x:= "", y:= "", w:= 450, h:= 300, Name:= "1", Options:= "+AlwaysOnTop -DPIScale -Caption", Title:= "SS Clicker", Background_Bitmap:= SS_CLICKER_BG() ) If you press this key again, it will disable the auto clicker.Global ClickTypeGroup:=,HB_Button:=,PlaySounds:=,Cx,Cy,Click_Position,ClickDelay:=30,ClickAmount:=1,ClickCounter:=0,Stop:=0,SetA,MouseDelay:=10,Startkey:="Numpad1",StopKey:="Numpad2" The auto clicker will be enabled by pressing the F9 key. You can close the icon present in the taskbar at any time. You will see the icon of an auto hotkey that will prove that your script is running.

Now your setup will start running in the background. Make a double click on your paste script.